This is how I will enhance Medium

Naman Virk
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


I have been using Medium as a source to satisfy my reading demons. It serves the complete digital purpose of engaging usersā€¦..well speaking from experience after becoming a real memberšŸ™Œ. From specific topics to topics including peopleā€™s personal perspectives, it has it all covered. Although it has a lot to offer, I am a greedy user. I feel the urge to enhance Medium and this is how I would do it:

Inspired from Toto Wolff

Visual memory is encoded in the medial temporal lobe of the brainā€¦..Let us keep it simple.

Visuals cause a faster and stronger reaction than words.

I love an article even more when I see relevant pictures. I read this article ā€œThe problem-solverā€™s playbook: 17 questions to sharpen your thinkingā€ by Debbie Widjaja. She explained how she was passionate for problem-solving but got bored easily when executing the solution and in the meantime she had already fallen in love with another problem. The picture that followed the intro was hilariously relatable:

Picture referenced from Debbieā€™s article to lay out the context

It seemed so hilarious and relatable that I wanted to like it. I imagined how great it would have been if Medium got that feature where we can react to the media content.

They say, ā€œHome is where the heart is,ā€ but thatā€™s not where mine livesā€¦..because Medium can use it on the media content in the articlesā¤ā¤

As diverse as humans are, it reflects greatly in our choices. I like anime and so does my sister. But it is completely different. Medium allows authors to highlight their choice of sentence(s). According to the author, highlight of the article may differ from me as a reader (it feels good to have readers superiority complex šŸ˜Ž). The comment section allows you to comment or reply to the authorā€™s highlight. This is the thing that I would enhance and allow users to reply or comment to any line from the article, not only the highlights.

Gaze into my eyes, and youā€™ll seeā€¦..exhaustion.

With the screens all around us in the digital era, our eyes need to rest. But the reading demons want to acquire more content. So, I used the ā€˜Listenā€™ option provided by the Medium. It was good. I liked all the voice options, although I liked Russell the best (I imagine God having that sort of voicešŸŽ¶). But this small dialog box as useful as it is, does not have a cancel button. I donā€™t want it on my screen constantly staring at me after I paused it midway, because my reading demons took the charge to actually read for themselves.

Reading demons being the ultimate boss!

My problem with reading is that I get distractedā€¦ the authorā€™s profile.

When I really like a piece of work from a specific author, I want to satisfy my curiosity by stalking (not literally) their profile. My reading demons like mathematics and want to know about the number of articles written by the author. Medium does not show the total number of articles that the author has contributed to. I would like to enhance Medium and put the stat of total number of articles written by the author on their profile.

Mathematics: The ultimate weapon

Thank you for reading my story and satisfying your reading demons:)

